
I thought the wage gap was more than made up for by the free drinks, meals, flowers and trinkets women accumulate while dating?

If he wants to make a Opera full or rape and violence, I think it would be better to turn Titus Andronicus into a musical than to make typical Opera’s ‘gritty’...

There is still the stupid Panda problem to deal with...

Yeah ‘cause parallel universes worked so well for DC comics...

Its funny too, I’m aware there was a ‘story’ in WOW, but even when I played it, it felt so peripheral that I swear I can’t even remember what it was all about.

* Tea emergencies can include but are not limited to: something bad happened; something good happened; something might happen soon but I’m waiting to see; it is the afternoon; it is the morning; something reminded me of tea; there is a social gathering that requires tea.

Except for the obvious forshadowing, in which Raynor will have to bullet in Kerrigan at the end of LoTV in order to save the universe. C’mon, its gonna happen.

Where are the gold coins and trinkets in these anatomy diagrams?

That made me shudder.

Same way I’m supposed to know which girls are easy?

Except guns. Everyone is allowed nice guns.

Rehgar can clear a wave petty fast by dropping a totem in the middle of the creeps then lightening shielding it since they won’t attack it...but yeh he’s got no dps

Its pretty new. I haven’t tried it yet but I started seeing it around only in the past 6 months or so.

If you want to have fun AND make people hate you on Haunted mines, then play Slyvanas (I mean, everyone hates Slyvanas players in general, but even more hate). If you push a lane with your Golem properly then you can win with a much weaker Golem, I’ve seen it a couple of times and it is terrifying.

I agree. I think what makes Dragon Shire fun is that it rewards a different type of team build and play style than the ‘usual’ since at some point you HAVE to split in order to hold the shrines, like Sky Temple you CAN split but I don’t see it often cos the temple defenders are a bother at low levels.

Yeah I guess it is like that. I suppose there is a slight element of weltschmerz too as life’s door keep closing. She couldn’t articulate her feelings on the matter very precisely... lucky for her she is adorable when she sulks!

I literally can’t comprehend it. I’m not dumb enough to think it is residual feelings for the guy, since they dated like 8 years ago. Since I have no idea what the real cause is, I really don’t know how to react.

I know. I’m not upset, more completely confused.

Even worse: my Fiancée freaked out when her ex got engaged! I wasn’t really sure what to make of it...

I don’t know that area of London particularly well or those schools at all, but the majority of London school kids take public transport or walk.