
You are probably feeling the sugar hitting your blood stream, rather than the hydratedness.

I have had the tension completely diffused from a situation by things like that happening.

You’d think all of them except #7 would be expected without prior knowledge.

My favorite is when some doofus starts pinging the boss relentlessly at level 7 and their whole team up. Yeah, No.

..were kind enough to science-splain PEGs to me.

Did the medieval text inspire the phrase, or did you just happen to have the image on standby?

If he wasn’t crying during grave of the fireflies he was clearly a robot or alien and you are better of with a real human boyfriend!


Sometimes I feel like Men can’t win though: my fiancée is non longer menstruating and she even blames that on me too! And she blames her recent weight gain on me; its like 5 kilos in 5 months.

Massively passive aggressive but funny nonetheless!

Ignobel Prize, surely! Literally the mission statement of the Ignobel Prizes is to recognize work that makes you laugh, then makes you think.

Lets rename it! MENSTRUscript... that’s better, right?

Smells like smugness and creepy old white dude.

I think you are being obtuse.

That is funny because I’ve reviewed papers without ever looking at who the authors are.

The American Chemical Society is pretty on point most of the time... but I might be biased!

PLOS isn’t a Journal, it is a Newspaper.

I can do single arm push ups on both arms but I can’t do the lever. My elbows slide out from my solar plexus every time...

I’ve heard that a Bleach Enema will cure Austism, maybe that is the solution?

Scientists do have a strict definition of toxin by the way. It is along the lines of a foreign biological substance (typically a protein but not always, can be viral and bacterial too) that is poisonous, damages the host or induces an immune response (n.b. some of the best toxins DON’T induce any immune response).