
Yeah but sooner or later someone has to convince republicans to give a Federal Agency enough money to allow them to effectively do their job... so good luck over there, I’ll be in Europe with my wonderful consumer protections in place!

Worse, they aren’t a chemical, but they can be poisonous! How do you even decide what is safe anymore!

However, when she tells you to stop to fuck her... well, I for one would go ahead and do that. Just saying.

My protip from my teenager days. Find a deep chair or sofa (bed with lots of pillows works but is a bit too soft) and have giver sit as far back as possible, have receiver sit between legs. Give reach-around-finger-bang.

If you think it is a joke then you misunderstand its purpose. It was chosen as a way for general practitioners to collect A LOT of data very quickly to give to researchers for analysis of populations.

Been there friend.

I wish I could give you 2 stars. One for being funny enough to make the joke, the second for being smart enough to realise so many people would miss the joke!

:( I’m so sorry.

Be suspicious, of course, of any simple conclusions—a handy motto to utter at least once a day.

It will but that is no excuse to put it off!

Unfortunately you are so alike in temperament that neither of you will ever ask?

Oh God! Grave Of The Fireflies.

I bet I can hit harder with a 5lb iron bar than you can with a 25lb bag of sand.

Isn’t that what the impact resistant foam under the armour does? It dissipates the load applied to the plates over an even larger area.

Checkout the link to the video where he gets hit by an iron bar. Looks pretty convincing. My bet is the guy in the video hitting him got sore hands after 2 minutes and had to ‘stage punch’ for the rest of the video lol!

You are doing the Lord’s work!

As long as there isn't any Kale in it, I'd drink it...

I have 2 close friends who grew up without the fathers around in a house with a mother and 3 daughters.


A person who lost an argument remembers it more clearly than the person who won it, says Dr. Ross. Men tend to win more arguments, he says, which may help to explain why women remember the spat more.