I wouldn't imagine it is hard to bury the hack into a macroenabled keyboard or mouse since they have addressable memory in them.
I wouldn't imagine it is hard to bury the hack into a macroenabled keyboard or mouse since they have addressable memory in them.
Being angry is the worst reason to hit a kid. You should hit children when you believe it is the only way they will come to understand that what they did is wrong.
You obviously have no concept of how coercion really works. It goes like this
Since there appears to be learned testimony from the author in the comments at present, I have a question that has been bugging me.
This is the very definition of a lose/lose situation now.
Kangaroo stampede is a real (and hilarious) risk in certain areas of the outback!
It liquifies anything that it bites, like the Aliens do. Not recommended to smash them with your shoe like we do to red backs...
don't forget the hoop snakes!
I like the pictures but I feel like if you cropped the image of her thigh/butt down you could turn in into a convincing advert for a Christmas Ham being basted...
If you weren't marginalised and oppressed there would be no reason for Jezebel comments section to exist any more.
Looks like I'll be cooking meth to fund my wedding then...
You missed one; inviting a 3rd, 4th..nth party to join in!
When anyone describes themselves as an 'alpha' I just in my head substitute the word for 'douchebag' and I have found the statement always still applies.
"Also any guy who uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite."
Why did this have to be the FIRST picture?! I mean, I knew something like this would be here somewhere, but right up top?
Fair enough, but what if a person is black out drunk and runs over a small child while driving home? There person goes to bed, wakes up with a hangover and is arrested, but doesn't remember driving home.
Being ignorant of committing a crime does not mean you are not legally culpable for the crime, although it can allow for judicial reduction in punishment.
Yeah, it turns out that trick only works when it is Peanut Butter! I found that out the hard way too...
Isn't that why we invented stew?