
Technically don't you stand behind your Journalistic Thing?

Careful, you know if you eat the stickers you get a tiny apple sticker tree growing inside of you... right?

I know you already got your Pinkham scolding, but let me ask you this:

Cell phone masts don't broadcast very far and what they do broadcast is much worse at passing over or around obstacles than long wave radio, so there are probably a series of exceptions in place that have allowed cell phone masts to be erected in larger towns and along the highways.

Your Momma must be so proud!

There is another aspect related to this too which I haven't seen mentioned yet. Suicide is the number 1 cause of death in Japan for males age 20-40. It is a significant national issue. I think Nintendo have to be very careful about what such an endorsement might cause to happen in their domestic market, I have no idea

Isn't it better that a generation of young Iranian women are exposed to this remarkable woman?

It is a small step in the right direction and that is great because realists make change happens by inches and idealists wish everything changed by miles and move nowhere.

In other not-always-healthy-but-totally-useful advice I use my smoke breaks as a way to get a few minutes of peace and quiet during parties; most smokers are banished outside these days and if you just slip out quietly you won't get any half wasted 'social smokers' trying to bum a cig...

I think it means he needs to lay off the narcotics while binge watching weird movies...

I've found jokes are usually funnier after you explain them step by step. That is why I am a very successful comedian...

Are you serious? It wasn't a homophobic joke!

I do see your point but research medicine is different these days. Tuskegee was an ethical and oversight failure rather than a containment failure. There have been quite a few clinical trails suspended early because a drug was shown to be so effective that it was unethical to continue treating people with a placebo.

Well it sounds a lot like they asked a few experts at the CDC if it was ok and they seem cool with it, but I'll let your armchair wisdom to heart next time!

If I wasn't 100% sure I would be shot by some stupid cop I would go and play the most hilarious 'Patient Zero' prank around there some time next week...

You are aware the guys they are treating are American? They are still your problem, even if you leave them to die in a different country like a selfish heartless asshole. Just sayin'...

I know this is a serious piece of news and is well worth the attention, but the irony of lesbian teens being at higher risk from pregnancy is just too perfect!

You are going to have to go looking for a fight somewhere else. cassiebear is to much of a classiebear to engage you!

If I were a hobbit, as the cover characters appear to be, then I would carry a gun too.

I would think one would pay homage by voting...