Ex. President Mack41

Imagine knowing that there were children being enslaved out there and being like, “You know what, I shouldn’t talk about this to all these reporters, it might distract them from their rightful focus on Matt Hasselbeck.”

The Dogtors Professional

Yeah post of dog pictures. Dogs are far superior to cats (mostly cause I’m allergic to cats). This is mine. Shes one lazy dog, unless she wants some rastlin.

Barney made 11 consecutive dog days before he got too old to climb the stairs last year.

I don’t even have a joke. That was awesome. Hope he’s not punished for it

That was fantastic.

This is fucking flagrant disrespect by the NCAA toward our National Anthem. The NCAA hasn’t just canceled these events in North Carolina, they’ve canceled the playing of the National Anthem at these events in North Carolina as well. I’m not a member of the military but that is insanely hurtful to the many members of

Mad Max: Fury Road is the only film I have ever seen, or will ever see, at the iMax in 3D. I am at peace with this decision.

And they let go of his favorite catcher, replaced him with two guys who are bad (Avila) to terrible (Dioner Navarro) at pitch framing, and lo and behold, Baseball Prospectus estimates he’s had 17 runs added to his ledger on bad framing alone vs. average (and Tyler Flowers, whatever you think of the rest of his game,

Fury Road had awesome visuals, stunts, and effects but the story was mostly nonexistent. It was the last twenty minutes of Road Warrior extended to a two hour movie. Not a bad thing! Just not as good as one might have liked.

Terminator 2, Godfather 2, Spider-Man 2, Dark Knight, Aliens. That’s all I got off the top of my head. But, still, I’m totally on board with Fury Road being made over and over again.

this is your only good kinja

I saw Mad Max: Fury Road at almost midnight on a Sunday, which was fine, except I walked out of the theater more pumped than I’ve ever been in my life to run through walls and fight and shit, and it was 2 a.m. on a Monday and the streets were abandoned and I had to go home and go to sleep.

I was intrigued by the new Countdown cast but probably won’t watch it so long as Dilfer is on it. I can probably tolerate Berman, and Hasselback. Dilfer is annoyingly over-confident in his hot takes.

Ding ding ding. Trent Dilfer is objectively the worst starting QB to ever win a Superbowl. Hell I’d rather have noodle-armed 2015 Payton Manning than “prime” Trent Dilfer

Trent Dilfer would be selling insurance in Visalia if a mostly black Ravens defense hadn’t carried his replacement-level ass to a Lombardi Trophy. He might want to sit this one out.

Wow, a nuanced and well reasoned take on ESPN. Maybe they’r—

Right. Every one of these guys has way more to lose than gain. I’m talking real dollars, real community standing, real future opportunities, and likely real on-field punishment. I’ll bet you’ve never risked anything greater than a seventh-round fantasy pick.

So, what you’re saying is, protests aren’t allowed to grow over time.

During the national anthem I was lying naked on my couch trying to eat corn chips off my chest without using my hands. I hope I didn’t offend anybody.