Ex. President Mack41

“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”

I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like

There’s something about that book where the perception is like, respectable, yet dudely. “I don’t read all that Game of Dunes bullshit...I go for real literature about manly love in the apocalypse.” I’ve long suspected that many of them are lying about it being their favorite book, yet they feel it’s a safe,

I read Drew Magary’s book! Does that count?

Speaking as a Packer fan, now that I have gotten to know a Vikings fan through his writing, I can’t help but feel a little sorry for Drew. Fuck the Vikings though.

He’s going to need a lot of ketchup cake for this.

No wonder it sounded so familiar.

That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.

While this seems like a cool idea, I imagine it getting old really fast. Part of the appeal of the games for me has always been the “mundane”. The mid-2nd quarter drive where I dunk a few 10-14 yard passes and carve my way down the field to score, or smash a few 4-7 yard runs to set up good play action. It’s those

“You guys are heroes”


My favorite part about Blue Lives Matter is how the guys that are constantly thanked for quietly and thanklessly doing their thankless jobs are suddenly the loudest martyrs the day we stopped thanking them and people feel the need to apologize for it

“They only showed him kill that guy on replay” is my favorite comeback of all time now. Find that hill and die on it, buddy.

[endless, thunderous, earth-shaking fart noise]

The answer is that we make the website we want, and our readers overwhelmingly approve of it. If it’s not the version of Deadspin you’d design for yourself, that’s not the consensus view, either among the staff or among the broader readership.

While OPs nastinessis excessive, you’re finding out how large the “Loves Deadspin, hates Gawker” crowd is. You’ve been posting about politics, but the editorial voice was different, and better, IMO (and obviously others’ too).

I just agreed with a Hamilton Nolan post and starred an Albert Burneko comment...I don’t know who I am anymore

Hi. We’ve been posting pieces about politics and culture here on the Concourse for more than a year. Eat shit.

It’s called The Concourse.

I'm kind of glad the legacy of prince wasn't sullied by the rest of this....ugh, whatever it is.