Ex. President Mack41

They can't cut him. It's not like there's a lot of out-of-work kickers, waiting for the phone to ring, and commenting on Deadspin articles

-Well, I had to google Cyanide and Happiness. Link to the the comic when you accuse somebody of stealing a joke!

Gilliam is lucky. I was arrested in England when they thought a tried to buy “a chap’s dick”.

+ 3 degrees of burn


Hoisted by your own pedantard

He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

This is a good and smart comment. Thanks.

That’s true, but perhaps Cashman is taking a page out of Epstein’s Cub playbook: good bats are harder to come by than good arms. Given the inflated strikeout totals and fragility of young arms, good young bats are a safer and valuable bet than arms. Epstein rationalized that he could always get arms when he needed to,

There’s also the looming free agencies of Manny Machado, Jose Fernandez and Bryce Harper. And that looming Trout to the Yanks trade rumor that won’t go away (which you have to believe is being put out there by Trout’s agent). The Yanks are gonna be scary again, very, very soon.

I look forward to my Orioles once again shitting the bed against them in the ALDS in the near future.

The one thing still missing is young starting pitching. If Severino doesn’t pan out, the farm system is pretty barren.

melting a slice of crappy american cheese on unfrosted blueberry or strawberry is the real #1.

Actually, he is stepping out at in the curve. It’s subtle, but it’s still the curve. The camera angle and camera ditance compress the curve and make it look straight at the point he is at.

That said, it seems like such a tiny misstep that I can’t see any advantage that he got there.

It’s like taking Simms off the air would be an acknowledgement that CTE is real.

Hate to agree with Trump, but when is the last time the U.S. won a medal in the Women’s 20km race walk?

Or, and I’m just spit-balling here, explain to her that you really enjoy playing video games and figure out a time when you can play while not disturbing her or your relationship.

investigating a crime that most likely didn’t happen