Ex. President Mack41

this is sort of an irrationally unkind comment.

Love the optimism. I personally don't think that's the case. As in, they are still going to make story games with important MG characters, it's just won't be this game. My only complaint is that this doesn't feel MG. More RE5 than anything else. That said, I did love co-op RE 5 so I will still play this.

Well, Metal Gear had “wormholes” as ways to move from points A to B. They’ve never had alternate dimensions or crystal zombies. The series even makes a point of explaining that the supernatural doesn’t exist, with the apparent exception of psychics (and easter eggs).

I’ve never been more excited to be wrong.

So nothing’s changing?

You can tell that the wind totally pushed him downward faster than gravity alone. The wind was definitely blowing hard from directly above.

It’s incredible to think that from ‘05-’07, Curt Schilling may not have been the biggest shithead in his own clubhouse.

Nah. From the outside of soccer fandom, I get the impression that Ronaldo is a humorless twat, while Zlatan is a delightfully arrogant bastard. Both men have massive egos and reputations, but Zlatan appears to have and be much more fun with his.

Fun fact: The combined population of only the New York and Los Angeles Metropolitan Statistical Areas is 33.5 million.

Pay him no mind, he’s just salty because we own the moon, and he lives in a country that has flying poisonous crocodiles and no moon ownership.

I was typing the same thing, but was afraid it would come across sarcastic. Mind blown for sure.

Seriously, this just blew my mind.

Thank you for this, Burke! This crossed my mind yesterday at the Gold medal tie (I hadn’t seen the men’s butterfly tie until you posted this) and thought it was really strange they weren’t using a more precise system. I find it pretty amazing that they’ve taken into account the affect tolerances in construction and

This actually a really nice article. Congrats

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

You are a goddamn monster.

I am throwing up everywhere

That is a fucking nightmare.