
She's claiming it's not her fault. Sorry, it may not be fair, but when you're in charge, the buck stops with you. It's Obama's fault.

At his age, I'm sure Jerry's nights are constantly being interrupted by AP.

There was an immediate call by House republicans to pull all funding for Boys & Girls Clubs.

The ref's response probably sums up how we all feel about this to be honest.

You think they would have learned by now that it doesn't matter how many tarp failures you blame on Obama, he's still going to get reelected.

"And they can't even spell my name right!"

Stand your groundskeeper!

That golf ball was posing a credible threat to his safety, causing an sense of fear that his life was in imminent danger. A man has every right to protect himself. I bet you liberal Gawker assholes want to ban knives now too? #WhereDoesItEnd

"Those niggers are the real racists!"

i suport offcer willson becaus hes a hero who stood up to to the "thug" culturre thats killing americas familys and homes. daron needs my support in ths difclt time because ofthe rampent naimals walking our streets and permeeating our schools. if officer like Wilson didnt put michael "brownback" in his place who

In Alaska they call this "campaigning".

I think you aren't looking at it from both sides Kyle. On the one hand, this lady is a horrible asshole who is full of hate, but when you look at it another way she is a stupid, ignorant mouth-breathing shithead.

I dunno, how much does she profit from and fight to maintain a plantation status quo in the industry she helps shape?

Palin '16!

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

"Oh, what a great time to show restraint."

If you're the kind of guy who drives drunk, wears the same pair of jeans for three straight days, and can't remember how a bag of cocaine got into those jeans, it's possible that you are the owner of a NFL team.

my best friend's sister-in-law makes $77 /hour selling cocaine to Ryan Malone. She has been unemployed for 6 months but last month her income was $20874 just selling bags of cocaine to a semi-conscious amnesiac Ryan Malone every day

Nobody wears jeans once and then washes them! NOBODY!