
The speed of this take from PFTCommenter is brilliant.

This is incredibly well-written, and it's something everyone ought to read, but I can't share it because the headline is absolutely terrible and I'm not putting myself anywhere near that.

On the "being dead for three days" question, I had it explained to me in Catholic school as: Jesus died on Friday, remained dead Saturday, and was dead for a portion of Sunday, too, before he resurrected. Friday, Saturday, Sunday—-three days. I just looked it up because my memories of this are really old, and Luke


That definition may be correct, but that doesn’t fit with the rest of the description.

Maybe there's a causation there. We see it in the pro game, right? Hitters focusing more on generating power and accepting rising strikeout rates as a consequence—-in addition to the physics of the new ball affecting flight distance.

About the Cleric Beast: it favors its left hand, not its right hand. His left, your right.

Looks like strikeouts have increased by 10-11%, too. Or is that so small that it might just be noise?


+1 moneyphone

Really good piece, Diana.

So do teams actually need 3/4 of the owners to approve a move or not? Is this written down somewhere in an agreement? Because league history and certain claims from certain owners suggest otherwise. Or is this all just begging for lawsuits?

If I thought for a single second that the people complaining about these women ACTUALLY cared about women being treated equally, this would be an interesting conversation. As it is, it is not an interesting conversation.

It was illegal for black people to move to Oregon until 1926. But that was a long time ago and has nothing to do with why there are so few black people there now, so anyone who brings that up is living in the past, according to Cowherd.

So Stewart's son is a raging WWE/Seth Rollins fan and Stewart is now either the biggest villain of all time or the coolest dad in the world, right? That's the only reason I can imagine for Stewart to have done this.

The cognitive dissonance of a team named after murderers and thieves denouncing a murderer is very strange.

As a guy who grew up in Nassau and has lived in Queens for roughly a decade: that kind of questioning is idiotic, and anyone living here knows why.

This is infinitely more helpful.

AP and Ray Rice should sue for damages. In the tens of millions.
