
Still very broadly speaking, but slightly less broad than "Africa" — amongst sub Saharan Africans we have Sudanic, Nilotic, Ethiopic (ancient African-Arab mix), Central, Khoisan (possibly oldest group in the world), Bantu, Pygmy (perfectly respectable self-name before Westerners corrupted it to be insulting), and

So this is the kind of day I'm going to have. :-)

Yes, you said African. I am telling you that "African" include a vast variety of phenotypes that the Western world, of which we are part, is conditioned to ignore, and this is harmful. Please do not insult me, I have not questioned your intelligence.

Exactly. It's a genetic mutation developed amongst several populations over a large geographic area as a defense against malaria — sadly, with major drawbacks.

What on earth did Scarlett Johannsen do aside from getting older? (And whitening her teeth. Not even straightening them.) I mean, it's a fact that the bulb of the nose (and the ears) continue growing until you die, and the cheeks lose fat when you start pushing thirty, but hers doesn't even look different. Are we

This is why "ethnicity" is a more useful word. Big umbrella "races" were created out of whole cloth to facilitate imperialism and slavery in the 16th century, mostly for European monetary gain. Before that you sure as heck did not find the English, Welsh, Italians, and Austrians all thinking of themselves as

When we make race into "big tent" concepts, dividing the world into three or four huge groups (groups based on 16th-century capitalist justifications for imperialism and slavery), we must acknowledge there is more diversity within said race than there is between the races. Just —- go look at more people. I can't

This pure black African guy must be really confused about himself.

Would people — STOP talking about "black" as if sub-Saharan Africans did not have the most genetically diverse population in the WORLD? There is no "one look" for black Africans much beyond "dark brown skin" and even that comes in several shades, and

Lord have mercy, I had NO idea those would come out so large!! Sorry!

Arabs are not "Caucasianish" — they are Caucasian. As are Persians and people of the Indian subcontinent. (And this is why dividing the entire world into three or four "colors" is ridiculous.) Also I invite you to take a look at some Masaai, Somali, and North American First Nations nose bridges and get back to me.


I sincerely did mean that as a general comment and not a specific jab at you. I certainly pictured a woman when I read the headline, myself. (I was more trying to put a bit of distance between "teacher" and "nude selfies.")

I think people tend to just see "teacher" and assume it's a woman. =/ ("Professor" on the other hand makes them ponder harder.)

Oh screw that, because they yell garbage at us minority women too, AND they try to get away with worse because "don't go to far with white women you'll get lynched" is still semi-ingrained in their subconscious. She can call them on it, I have no problem with that.

She could be ILL. She could be in pain from a worsening case of endometriosis or something. ("Tender from last time" is a bit of a red flag!!) Or she could have a chemical imbalance. Especially if this is a new situation for her and she's been into sex with him before. People are ridiculous about ignoring their

Well no, everybody doesn't. Some people are ace. But I do agree he had to communicate somehow. And I think the pair of them need counseling.

I've always remained unconvinced that on a day when all crime was legal, everyone would go straight for murder. Like, why doesn't a bunch of Internet hacking or sex assault take place? Or y'know, trespassing? People who commit crime anyway aren't deterred because a powerful figure has told them it's naughty — they do

Oh Jeeze, baby Aubrey is adorable. (YEAH I SAID IT)

But Adele Nazeem is great!
(No seriously, I adore that woman. Unreasonably. I have such a spot in my heart for Idina...)

I feel like a substandard black person now — what is Mad Dog 20/20??? Is it new???? I could be older than I think I am, I would not rule that out... (off to Google...)

With most anonymous sperm donation, the donor and mother have to sign a contract, and then abide by it. I think the mother in this case ought to have had one drawn up — it would have saved her some trouble, and not getting one was an error on her part. (I think the rest of my comment is in response to someone else