
Sometimes I wonder if our country actually hates us. It is riddled with Catch-22s.

This is why, ladies and gentlemen, we have contracts, and can avail ourselves of both them and contract law, and then people can sign them, and then they can relinquish custody properly and the kid can see them IF S/HE WANTS TO as an adult after age 18. (I still blame him more — he's being a dick on an extended basis

This I did not know. Do they do that on purpose? They want to keep the writer "unsullied"?

Novelizations can also incorporate scenes that had to be cut for budget, or backstory that wasn't filmed, or explain and expand things that were less well explained onscreen. Or sometimes (possibly I'm going off-topic a bit) they can be dialed down to be appropriate for younger audiences — the ten-year-olds may have

That, and sometimes books can go off-canon — sometimes way off-canon — but are still well crafted and popular and sell well.

I agree. I didn't care for Feedly at all, The Old Reader had no app, and GReader had glitches. InoReader was a lifestyle-saver for me. The only drawback (not InoReaders fault) is that with Google Reader gone, more and more sites aren't bothering to use an RSS feed at all.

I agree! For some reason I get more annoyed with HuffPo and Upworthy for this, though — this collection of sites does it far less.

"Judgement" isn't incorrect, it's just British.

This looked to me (and I am not omniscient, I realize) more like a drunk sort of will-to-win than a proper fantasy. Like the kind of dare that maybe sounded like a real challenge /triumph to her when tipsy. I found it notable that the guys seemed more like they were watching a sport, like they were sincerely cheering

I doubt there was any semen involved. I doubt any of them had time to even feel it. I'm baffled as to how anyone there was having fun.

By an order of magnitude.

What is WRONG with that m*therf*cker??!!?

In seriousness — I thought jock straps held things to the body more snugly. And unflappably. Like a sports bra.<—-realm of experience

Was that strapped in? It did not look strapped in. and I am concerned. Granted, my experience with jock straps is exactly zero, but he did not look safe up there!


Is this not *dangerous*? Are these men not *afraid*!? Are cups and straps and stuff no longer a thing???

Extremely formerly!

When you say things like "her ass is too much in proportion to the rest of her body" you are making a judgement based on your preference. You have judged her body to have shortcomings that you don't like. It doesn't matter if you want to do her or not. It would still be body shaming if it came from a 100 percent

I think if you had just said "I fail to understand the obsession with the backsides of the Kardashian clan" and left it at that, you might have been okay. There's a case to be made for excessive media fetishization of their collective bottoms, basically reducing them to one characteristic, which borders on (when not

Sometimes kids want to do things they're not ready for, though. They want to imitate grown ups or older kids. But their bodies aren't really going to be ready to handle it until their organs are actually big enough to facilitate this — if their bladders haven't caught up with the rest of them, for example (my family

A great many people still *expletive* believe that. There are a frighteningly large amount of people who seem to have a strong, personal, vested stake in the idea that no one of Sub-Saharan African descent ever accomplished anything. [/bitterness]