

Rotten chemical eggs. It used to be worse in the 80s and 90s — it's actually much better now, but will still stink up a floor of your home.

Yes. There is something wrong with it.

I am black. My skin is dark and my hair is curly — that is to say, lots of melanin leads to hyperpigmentation (big black splotches) and curly hair leads to ingrown hairs, with all the requisite scarring and pimpling and digging out and BLEEDING that entails. (Hey, you asked.)


HA hA! Oh my god, I have seen this picture several times today, online and in papers, and NEVER registered Grinning Dude until just now. And I am afraid of him.

You are beautiful in every single way.

Yes. It affects actual perception. (Don't get me started on the Western portrayal of East Asian characters in entertainment aimed at kids.)


With very few expections, human eyes are almond shaped — elongated ovally things coming to a slight point on either side.

I think this sort of thing is a defense mechanism. If he's been told all his life that he should want to sleep with women, this is probably a pushback/contrarianism. (Did you say this was college? If so, I hope it's a phase.)

I think it's Ta-Nehisi Coates who points out that suffering is not inherently ennobling.

Nobody said it's right when it happens to men either. It's horrible to tell an eight year old boy that he's not allowed to cry or show emotions.

Do you think that having it constantly societally reinforced that your worth is low-to-nonexistent doesn't affect how you will treat other people in your own category?


We are all marinating in the same racist culture. It's still not like self-hate is HELPFUL to minorities.

This. So very much. It's really nice that Sleepy Hollow doesn't fetishize the leads' angsty loneliness to the point of sacrificing all other characters. I do love Sam and Dean — or, well, I did back in Season Four, past which I keep meaning to catch up and keep not catching up — but I like Sleepy Hollow's take on

YOU. THANK YOU. *runs off to find copies*

Let's face it — we all get a pass when we're old.

I would agree with that completely un-ironically.

No, we are talking about black teens getting shot and their shooters getting a free pass to do so. This is dual-part phenomenon we're discussing.

I suppose I have to start hoarding my low rise boot cuts, then. I have a short torso and a ridiculous inseam (35") and I am not going to participate in this — I lived through the 80s once already.

YES. I tend to forgive young actors a lot, as so much depends on direction (and Henry is the only reason I kept watching the show in the first season — that and lack of other activities), but, well the kid playing Pan isn't a ten year old child. It's like he COULD be good, if he had any variance. If there was ever

I think there's a genuine exception for sexualized images of women (and everyone else) when the story is actually about sex. It's 14 pages of a sex act.** (According to the Amazon summary; I did NOT buy this!) There's nothing else.