
You are now my very favorite person.

I think I might love her more now.

Is that... Jennifer Lawrence??

(I did not type "psycho" there. My phone does not like the word "psych," evidently.)

Guh. Evo-psycho bull. What shaped our psychology as a species was getting enough to eat so as not to die, not which sex managed to get the food that day.

I have listened to the most fascinatingly hellacious arguments from otherwise intelligent men about how "women have all the power in that dynamic." The older I get, the more I avoid people...

I don't think I've got a proper sig on this website — I think I'm provisional, in some way, and wasn't even sure this comment made it to posting — I kept losing the window. I did not respond to the correct person — apologies.

There is definitely sex in ASoIaF. And even Martin's staunchest fans admit that it is not quite his forte (Myrish swamp? Pink mast?) But in a series of six books each approximating 900 pages or far more apiece, if you can fit the sex scenes (or even 50 percent of the sex scenes) into a single post on io9 you

This. For years I told people, "This is the *only* thing I've seen on network TV that got it right." (Actually, I still tell people that. Hard to believe it was as long ago as it was!)

Yes! There is nothing to lose, and fun and amusement and I dare say glamour to gain.


Am I allowed to discuss Hellblazer? Because I am confused and displeased.

"I'm not one of your crew!" *sobbing now*

Oh, this hurt my heart. I had forgotten about this one, which makes me an awful, awful person.

So you feel that the so-called integrity of a word (which has been used in both ways since before Charles Dickens) is more important than your friend's bodily integrity. Noted.

Or how about "wedged," which can mean either jammed together or pried apart?

Ultimately, usage will win. I've just about given up my fight against "inputted." *shudder* And spelling "email" with no hyphen. You lot will learn to do the same. We can all hug it out over a nice beer or something.

I'll never understand why people get all het up over "literally" but have no problem with the figurative use of "really" — when it's pretty much the same damn thing. (In Victorian times and before, "very" meant "truly" — from the same roots as verity, verily, verify and so on, and the usage even lingers somewhat

Oh you are not bonding over being ostracized as youths, you are bonding over your free capitalistic choices to purchase the same sorts of entertainment.

By Western standards most Korean shows are going to be sexist. There is a lot of arm-grabbing and pushing women into cars, depowering magical heroines, and what we might call full on stalking/not taking "no" for an answer. Also there seems to be an allergy to saying "But this is not my fault, I did not do the thing