
I love you.

I feel terrible for how hard I am laughing at this. (I'm black. AND OUTRAGED. Well, I'll be outraged in five minutes, right now I need a tissue.)

"He was never a mentor. He was family." Agreed. And beautifully put.

He also has this tendency to make African hair the butt of jokes. (Buffy, Firefly)

This is why I don't explain, I just avoid. Probably my way is not the healthiest.

OOooh, I just had a terrible missing-Samurai-Jack pang. *tears for Mako*

That was hilarious on like three different levels. I will miss this show. There is no perfect show, but I'm legitimately making the 0_0 face over the accusations of racism here. (I've HAD people do the "can I touch your hair" business, and they managed to touch on the relationship between blacks and Koreans while

Since the women are presented as a huge part of the "reward" from the very opening scene (woman as one of an assortment of objects to be acquired as prizes for manly achievements), I have to agree very strongly. I liked the friendship, though. And I liked that at the end, the two prize-women are at least bonding