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    I was late a bit, took these just after the peak. It wasn't a full eclipse anyway...


    Damn! I knew I was gonna be late ...

    I carry my set of mentioned magnets every day in my back pocket, can't leave home without them...

    I have a Leatherman MUT for over a year now. It is a great tool. Might not be the best out there but it has the most beautiful, alien like design.

    This summer, I got the urge to do some underwater filming, and decided to do everything my self.

    This is great news. They came up with a better solution than the expensive one.

    I remember like 20 years ago I watched some Irish kids riding in some wheelbarrows and doing some stunts...

    I'll just put this here...

    I write code, and have found that white background is harsh on my eyes in the conditions of low or no light in the room, even moderate levels... But if I'm outside or if there is a lot of light... I switch to white background.

    I do the same thing. And I want to sugest another app that changed my life recently and even pushed Keep and efficiency of my smartphone into overdrive.

    There is no way that I am the first to say this, but

    People who are aware of reality have a life of adventure and meaning, which is hard for common folk to grasp, so their life is a party, or they are the center of them.

    Yes please, waterproof!!!

    I am well aware of the problem. Personally. And for more than a decade now.

    Didn't dwell on it so much, but yes, it is one of possible outcomes, so , we will see how it turns out.

    After reading the title, vide chat was my first thought, but not because I find it fascinating, but over the years, I watched my son growing up with it.

    Looks unsafe.

    No, it is his yamakasi uniform.

    Model 3 could really do it! Really push E forward. The future is finally coming.