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    I just love how Matthew McConaughey talks and Nick Stokes from CSI talk, ant the whole southern style, but while watching Tru detective, I understood only up to 80%, so I gave in to the subtitles, cause I didn't want to miss a thing...

    Yeah, the user/superior/client unawareness of the time required for the completion of the task is usual

    Since I read your post on this thing, I couldn't get it out of my mind, and kept visiting their site, but there wasn't any news
    Till recently.
    There is a new video of using the slate, apparently, and a new date..

    Mining garbage dumps, more certain business than bitcoin mining :)


    Hahaha, liked it.

    I don't understand! They are still communists. Why is this happening? can't they enforce a curfew on pollution, or something.

    found it recently, in my brothers closet and tried it out. Doesn't fly, but did render a webpage, after a while.

    You are totally right. I still miss my Pre, and wonder what would webOS be like today.

    Damn man! WTF with communism and internet travels? I was trying to finish nicely and you couldn't avoid disrespecting.

    I never lived in communism, and don't wish it.

    It may be the answer to everything. But we cannot be certain.
    Not fair to other projects = selfish.

    Yes, and I am all for it, but the timing is wrong, and it is selfish to talk about a project of that scale, and for theoretical porpouses, and all the discoveries would need years of research to become applicable.
    One cannot have an objective view if not aware the actual state of things.
    We need to quetion all known

    I love science and I do want mankind to push forward, in every aspect of science and life... But... As somewhat of scientist myself, I can't get past current unsolved problems and dream about theoretical concepts.
    The idea of a bigger LHC is selfish, and I am not sure if the enforcers of the idea have looked at all


    Why would you assume that I am a conspiracy type? Don't you see that I have opinion of my own which disagrees with the idea 3x LHC.

    Damn, I did it again, so ashamed right now.

    Exactly, the priorities are wrong. Why don't we work on fixing stuff that is technologically obsolete and bringing havoc on us all.

    Dear superhero,

    Actually we all live in caves that are man built, because beside a few gadgets our homes haven't drastically changed, and I as an el. engineer, software developer, philanthropist and a human being, am working on making changes...