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    Has anyone tried it OFF LINE?

    Repent, the future is coming, soon we will all have to fight with our gadgets, because they are going to start talking back !!!

    I can see it already: " Mission Save Spirit"

    I live far, far away, in Europe, and when I read about the service you are getting, it seems strange.

    @DaSmith: so you are on her side?!

    @sweetness666: she liked your reply and you helped me break it to her.

    @jazmatician: and of course there is that option

    My wife is gona kill me, when I buy this thing.

    being smart and doing porn can not go together so I will not degrade my self and comment this.

    It seams to me that all you westerners were tought how to use a calculator and its functions, instead of learning them.

    @MaQ: Oh, and I'm married, and still think the same

    Porn sucks !

    @Divine-Shadow: I am sorry. I just read a previous post which mentioned the nail polish. Once again, I am sorry.

    I had an idea from the beginning of the iPhone problem, but I'm not sure if I got the problem right.

    @LeonJoe: I enjoyed your camparison

    @LeonJoe: I enjoyed your camparison

    TV was cool when I was a kid, and now, I don't thurn it on for months.

    My kid is 3.5 and he is playing games on my Pre and is enjoying himself, and that is totally normal,

    Enjoyed the read, kinda know what it feels like to work and make things with your hands and I prefer it that way.