So the rabid feminist population of Jezebel can't stand anything conservative, so you have to attack Fox News on the basis of the hair color of their presenters? And you don't realize how fucking pathetic this makes you? Get a life.

Didn't you get the memo? It's alright to be a racist if it's anti white in nature.

Sounds like an extremely expensive place where people want tons of pics to prove they were there, so they can Facebook them and show everyone how classy and affluent they are.

I make cougars purr like kittens all the time, but they're the middle aged women type of cougars. Bow chica bow wow.

It's the Internet's fault? What's next, blame George Bush? Guys don't like fat chicks. Sorry, ladies. Stop looking for excuses to be fat and put down the tub of ice cream.

The bigger question is why does an 86 year old guy with dementia have a driver's license in the first place?

Gotta love government. We have to reduce congestion, we have to reduce emissions, we have to save the planet! Hang on, you're not taking away our tax money from taxes, fees, and licenses though.

I like how it's very important to point out that she's a white woman, but if she were black and that was pointed out, it would be racist.

If it would make money in this country, they'd sell it in this country.

How is dragging a company's name through the mud because the government took a business week to process a transaction "more fair?"

Why does the EPA have to authority to pass laws at all? We have a legislative body to do that. The EPA aren't elected representatives and they have no business making laws.

The West is right. I'll say it.

Where's the Disney PRINCE domestic violence collection? 45% of domestic violence victims are men.

They aren't "offended" until they're told they should be. That's pretending in my book.

The EVO 10 is dead, meaning the EVO 11 is on the way? Is that how this is meant to read?

Please explain how, professor. They are pretending to be affected by outrage. My usage fits the dictionary definition perfectly.

Judaism is a religion that says it's perfectly fine to chop off part of a baby's dick, but driving cars on Saturday is verboten. Go figure.


American teenagers are dumber than piss? I know, let's dump more money into our failed education system!

Was there seriously nothing else for the rabid feminist population to feign outrage over today?