They didn't say there's 53 years of oil left, they said there's 53 years of proven reserves left. New reserves are being found all the time, and technology makes other reserves economically feasible to extract.

Indeed. The tires actually provide most of the "suspension" action of the car.

Danica is a grandma compared to most people on the grid. The only people older than her are all world champions, with the exception of Massa, who was a provisional champion for one lap.

The issue of a moronic waiting period is the same, isn't it.

How about a compromise: You can get an abortion without a waiting period if I can buy a gun without a waiting period.

Yes, your dad's four cars speak of the tens of millions of cars out there that have massive reliability issues is a totally statistically sound sample population. It's called anecdotal evidence.

You have all the access to contraceptives you want. What this ruling says is that your boss isn't obligated to pay for you to have unprotected sex. If you want contraceptives, you are in no way prevented from going and buying them. You feminists crack me up. You want the government out of your vaginas, no

Modern feminism: When you want the government OUT of your vagina... except when it comes to getting government mandated free birth control. If you want to have unprotected sex, GO BUY YOUR OWN BIRTH CONTROL PILLS you freeloading bitches.

Having kids later in life isn't fair to your kids. For everyone who had a kid at 40 and lived to be 100, there's somebody who had a kid at 40 and died at 60, leaving their 20 year old short one parent. It just seems incredibly selfish to me.

Just a thought, won't these kids be ostracized in the UK? I mean, if the sperm is from an American donor, the kid will come out with an American accent. They'll be outcasts from the start.

The family traits are plainly obvious, which is why I find anyone complaining about the Huracan's looks puzzling.

My first reaction is "it looks like a concept car that shouldn't have been made." Then I realized that's what I thought when i first saw the 458, and now I think that looks magnificent. I'm kind of on the fence with the Huracan, but I'm positive it will grow on me.

It's because the hair soaks up the sweat, and it works the same way for men.

"Markham was arrested and charged with child neglect without great bodily harm."

"DIY insemination?" I think that's just called "sex." Or "fucking." Or "doing the nasty." Or even "shagging," as they say over there. DIY insemination? GMA break.

OH NO, GUNS! Believe it or not, guns don't phase people in some parts of the country.

The destructive power of something that can blow through four inches of steel is mind blowing to me. I handle structural steel up to one inch thick and that stuff is HEFTY.

That's illegal in the state of New Jersey.

And they keep the sun off your skin.