
I love Sagan's voice, he has this calming power over me that i just can't explain. I really wish he voiced the whole Pale Blue Dot audiobook. Someone else takes over around chapter five, that's when i pick up the book and continue reading with his voice still echoing in my head.

For fuck's sake Casey, did you not study geometry?

It doesn't need any logo. The apple design speaks for itself.

I have a mild version of this. I sometimes hear a variety of noises during the night that have no possible source. Not really a problem, just startling at first.

Are you kidding? Have you not seen the rise of the Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Gmo, Anti-evolution, new age medicine practitioners, etc. Science denialism, at least in the US, is gaining traction. Not to mention all the crazy biblical literalists. Its a damn shame.

Obligatory post pointing out that sharing something interesting and explicitly giving credit isn't theft, and that someone else wrote the more detailed article, and that Patricia is paraphrasing.

You there.

I didn't see what you did there.

I'm blind.

What article is this?



There's still a lot of work to be done, so you probably won't want to go losing any hands any time soon.

There it is

Next time use one of these.

They're a feature, not a problem.

He's right. Academia today is all about the quantity published, Q-scores, and getting grant dollars, not quality, correctness, or even adequate study on a topic before you are expected to sling a paper out of your ass. It's a sad game that is a disservice to science, the students, and their parent's/government money.

This is who I was thinking of:

Improbably, he sounds like Jar Jar Binks.

Welcome to Gizmodo. It's a science & technology blog. Reality has a liberal bias - and reality is: Fox News is as much a source of news as it is a fox. It's pure propaganda. It's legitimately a litmus test of its viewers IQs and ability to discern factual reporting vs. the wiping of the Koch Brothers' collective ass.

The iPad 3 was thicker than the iPad 2...