
Most of the more technically skilled people I know use macs, and that inclides the web programmers, engineers and network technicians. But of course, many other equally skilled friends use windows, and some use linux. I use all three, windows on the desktop, linux on my NAS and cloud VM and a macbook for mobility.

This looks EXACTLY like Textra.

The ending of that reading is, in my personal opinion, one of the most beautiful statements ever recorded of Sagan:

Why would a terrorist give heads-up on twitter before an attack in the first place?

I have a mild form of it, and in my case the sound is more akin to a slamming door rather than a gun or thunderclap. It happens about one night per month, although sometimes more than one time per night. It rarely terrifies me, but it can be extremely annoying.

Except when combined with sleep paralysis. THAT is fucking

Since Kotaku and its sibling sites identify themselves as blogs, no. The writers are bloggers, not journalists, and mostly that's what they call themselves. They can put whatever they like on their site, so long as they give the proper crediting - which they do.

Apart from the source material it doesn't sound very 8-bitty though, more similar to SNES or N64.

"Empty"? Screw that, this goes in my absinthe.

According to normal people? None. According to religious fanatics and the likes? Well everthing from the "natural order" to the "will of god".

People judging technology entirely on making assumptions about the personality of the user based on their looks should have no say regarding technology. Seriously. Go complain about a dress or a sock or something, and leave the technology to those who actually care what new technology can DO.

Sure, you don't have to

"You are under arre-"
"No officer, I'm not using!"
"Oh aren't you now?"
"It's for an art project - I'm building a human skull out of it."
"Okay, you're definitely coming with us."

I would argue that we can make an analog to computers. Your cellphone today is hundreds if not thousands of times more powerful than a room-sized computer a few decades ago. Does that mean that room-sized computers have disappeared? Nope, today we call them super computers or server halls. In the same way, the DSLR

So I guess a more correct headline would be that there WAS a naturally occuring fission reactor in West Africa?

Isn't it amazing that every UFO and monster seems to be filmed by people with Parkinson's decease?

Inferior socket detected.

Since you claim it's a majority, I suppose you can provide data mapping the knowledge and interests of the target group, supporting that claim?

In real life, both sides are equally insufferable. But on the internet, the Android fanbase is definitely the most unbearable. Mention Apple in any news article or post, and basically half the replies will contain "overpriced shit", "aren't they gonna sue anyone soon?", "I had those specs last year", and so forth. The

I change phones about once a year. Laptops I try to change every two years, although it depends on my economy (my current Macbook Pro will likely stay with me for another year). I don't really have a cycle for tablets yet, since I've only owned a 1st gen iPad, but I'll likely use a two year cycle there as well.

Yeah, that's why I try to use as little theming as possible. So I'm just using one Winterboard theme, "Glasklart". It's very minimal, with a very impressive set of transparent icons, I must say, out of nearly 100 apps, only five lack proper icons under the theme. It also themes the lock screen very neatly, it includes

It's part of the theme I use, "Glasklart". Get the theme through Cydia and choose Glasklart Badges (Dark) in Winterboard.