
I'm more fond of my lock screen though, but that's not really on topic.

What faith and what excitement? I simply see this kind of solution for what it is, very useful and creative even though the involved components are not new. The scanner is not in the bezel, like on the Atrix, it's behind the glass of the display. I never claimed that the entire display would act as a scanner, if

It is very much worthy of a patent. You can't just take any damn fingerprint scanner, put a screen on top and expect it to work, both components need to be made for this specific implementation. And since no one has done it before (no, not the Atrix since it was just a common dedicated fingerprint scanner like those

Why this patent of all the fingerprint reader patents that are already established? This is a new implementation, not really a new concept, so there should be absolutely no new legal issues.

Except Anon hasn't been able to hack for years, all they do nowadays is DDOS, which you can basically train a chimp to do.

As far as I know, Apple has never claimed invention of something they never invented. They claim being the first to implement and successfully market many technologies, but they extremely rarely use the word "invent". They didn't with the mouse, they didn't with the tablet, or any other purchased or reimagined

Look around on the internet, the comment section of this article in particular. Nowadays, the haters are the unbearably smug ones, not the Apple users. Admit preferring Apple products on the internet today, and you will be greeted by an angry mob, armed with lame and factually inaccurate one-liners.

The Moon is much more of a super hero than Jupiter will ever be, simple math. The real heroes are always unappreciated until it is too late...

No, it doesn't. That's a relic of the old bundled YouTube-app, which is now removed. There might be such a limitation in the new Google-released app, I haven't checked, but in that case the blame is entirely on Google, not Apple.

I have, but I do admit I have used it far less than anything with OS X or iOS.

Not really how patents work, but sure.

However, just because they are doing MORE it doesn't mean they are doing it BETTER, which is why Apple still has the lead. Microsoft can implement all the gestures they want, they still need to work more on integrating it and making it more fluent. The thing with using touch in OS X has, at least for me, always been

Actually, it's legal with up to maybe 10mg/l. Which, as it turns out, is about the same amount as in original absinthe from 1915-1925.

Fun fact: AGA is a Swedish company (Aktiebolaget GasAccumulator), or at least it was founded here.

The patent was pending from day one, and most Ultrabooks are supposed to look like the Air. Even though Apple might not have had the patent to back a lawsuit up back then, they would still have been on the offensive if they desired to one day do to laptops what they are doing on the mobile phone front against Samsung.

Samsung does not give Apple any exclusives. Intel does. It is well established that Intel and Apple are more intimate than they are with any other supplier. Also, there are LOADS of alternatives to Samsung for Apple. They can always find someone else to manufacture the mobile CPUs, the RAM and the displays. The reason

Considering that Ultrabook is an Intel initiative, and Apple and Intel are more or less as much buddies you can be in this industry, I don't think the Ultrabook market is under any serious threat.

"high-end, small form factor gaming PC"

Hm. Neh. Simply because I don't like rumors.

All the ATMs from major banks (and these shitty orange ones) in Sweden have them.