He’s using his calipers wrong.

Yeah they only made like 2800 over four years. Only like 90 in 2009. They are not great in the snow btw.

There is still hope. Buick wants to be cool again right?

I see your Leaf and raise you an i-MiEV

Similarly, the HHR SS is often forgot. Pretty much the same as the cobalt, just looks weirder.

The Chevy Cobalt SS Sedan was a cool, 260 hp, manual transmission-only econo-rocket, but I don’t know how many times I have mentioned one and have had car-enthusiast reply ‘I forgot that even existed’

Well they probably should have taken the cover off before trying to drive it. No wonder they crashed.

“Buy here, Pay here” type dealer most likely.

$5 says it’s a slummy used car dealer. I’ve had a roaming dealer up here (Vision Auto Group, from 4 hours away) that sells garbage like 2002 Honda Odysseys for only $99 a month (of course, on approved credit, and the thing’s got well over 100k miles on it).

I was so not prepared for this. Not even remotely ready. You know where my head was at four hours ago? I was on cloud nine about going on alt-right Twitter and witnessing the meltdown with their conspiracy theories and blaming the Jews. Now this is real. I can’t stomach this shit.

Still cheaper than infrastructure upgrates, amirite?


Don’t even fret on the eBay thing, just go to your local Specialized Dealer and plunk $7k on the Turbo S

So, You want to tell me You have curfew in America due to some strong winds, and some reporter goes ape-shit, calling “crazy” and “dangerous” because of someone doing donuts on TOTALLY EMPTY road?

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Might just have to try for the next state if you get caught like that in Virginia.

It’s an SRT 4, none of it is that surprising, not the speed or the douche nozzle teen behind the wheel.

If you've never had a deep-fried turkey, I suggest you try it before you get all indignant about how disgusting it is.