It’s actually a two way tailgate, it opens out like a door or down. Pretty slick.
The population of KCMO proper is a little deceiving, because there are slightly more than 2 Million people living in the KC metro area.
I had an 04 SRT-4 with the Mopar Stage 3R upgrade kit. Tons of fun, and never had any problems with it until the turbo seals started to go. Loved the power of that car.
I don't know if this is true in other states, but in Missouri as long as you have a copy of the Bill of Sale you are able to get a sales tax credit towards another vehicle purchase within 6 months of the sale. I've done this a dozen times in the last 5 years. It's all done right at the DMV and its really simple.
Does this still have a lot of Daewoo bits in it (like the Aveo) with 27% of the parts coming from Korea?
I love it!!
I live in KC and can tell you based on my Facebook news feed that pretty much everyone was happy about him getting knocked out of the game. I even have on friend who's status is "die cassel die"... Kind of rediculous IMO, but there's a lot of hate for Cassel in this city.
Seems like it would be pretty easy to get the tickets dropped with no verification that it was her riding the bike.
My thought exactly...
Really impressed by the stabilization on the new ipad, make it much much easier to watch than all the others.
I had about 10 updates on ipad apps yesterday, but all from large companies like eBay and Kindle.
Thats a Nissan Pulsar GTiR. SR20DET and AWD = WEEEEEEEEEE!
For a company that did $48B in sales last year, this measly $4M is nothing for them. When this segment makes up more than .008% of their sales next year, then I'll be impressed.