GO BMW Motorsprt! bring it home Joey Hand!
GO BMW Motorsprt! bring it home Joey Hand!
Funniest shit I've seen all week!!!
*Golf clap* for a legend!
Doesn't look half bad....doesn't look half good....sorta.....meh!
Zombiepocolypse ready vehicle....CHECK!
OFFICIAL: I HAVE W O O D !!!!!!!!!!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ray is a "Master-Debater" Not to be confused with.....
But they sure do know their cars! ;)
"Stupid is as Stupid does" Lt Dan....
It's like "Rusty Slammington" only...you know.....not as fast.....cool......oh yeah...as rusty! ALSO! Not a BMW so "Crackpipe"
What we're actually witnessing is GM's answer to BMW's "focused beam" technology in it's early stages. Give them a break Mike!
Sheik : Bllaaaahhablahhaa gargle gargle blaahhhhaa (vomit splash) gargle gargle...
I have i have. I did say i was kidding right... ;-)
As cool as it is to read about this "spy stuff" Jalop is still a car site,right?
See, I learn something every day... ;-)
HOLY S#&t!! Some crazy bastards.....take it to the track guys!
Official: I have "unit movement"