They may be, maybe together with T-72, the most likely tanks to encounter in any random war out there. Don't really set the bar for high tech though.
They may be, maybe together with T-72, the most likely tanks to encounter in any random war out there. Don't really set the bar for high tech though.
Yet enough people don't drive well enough to properly control a car that won't fall a long distance when you do something wrong...
Just an updraft.
Out of a crew of 1000, how could you assume that no one would *want* to care for the cats?
Yeah, that, of course. Gonna need that later.
I was always looking for an actual good option. "Try to save them but don't get killed for that." instead of "Save them at all costs."
DO we view him as a hero? I know I don't.
I know it's not in the bible. But those were the claims of the "good old days"...
I'd break down in a coughing fit for a while (unless I'd manage to mix eggs and pepper into a near homogenous mass) but I guess I'd be fine with the taste. Well, depends on the sizes of the meal and the pepper shaker, of course.
Wow, that's like saying why doesn't the human painter paint four pictures at once.
Oh, come on, the FSM is great and all, but that up there? That's really, really cool.
Uh, hadn't thought about that. Though the effect should be minimal - usual homeopathic stuff is diluted at least to one part in a hundred and is supposed to get stronger on a logarithmic scale. The biblical flood dilution would hardly register much on such a scale at all. Besides, homeopathy is supposed to dilute the…
Well, it's not so much about refuting obvious BS. But you can't outright ignore ignoramuses because 1. They have the legal right to cast their vote just like anyone else which means right now, to the political system, ignorance is just as good as knowledge and 2. they should be educated instead of being ignored. Of…
Both might be in trouble. The water was supposed to be rain, right, which is fresh water. And iirc it was supposed to be higher than the highest mountains. That might be almost 9 km high Everest but maybe just the higher mountains of the Middle East and Asia Minor. Which would be over 5 km high. Whichever it may be,…
Whatever happened to "fossils were put in the earth by Satan to confuse us" and "the species were made by God and never changed"?
Knowledge/Education is, by many, considered to be a basic human right.
Why would they need saving? Or were those the non-aquarian type of mollusk?
"It is not a democracy. If it was a democracy, then Joffrey [the sadistic boy king] would have died much earlier than he did."
Why, this, of course. The Middleman may just be my most watched series (in terms of times per episode, not total running time), with a comfortable lead on Last Airbender and Stargate SG-1
Still better than this.