I currently pay $2,700 annually, with full coverage and $250 deductible. This is pretty average around here.

I came for the puns and did not leave disappointed.

You Navy guys... I still hold the record for the fastest promotion and demotion in my old unit almost twenty years later.

Am I the only one who thinks it would be funny as hell for the NHS to show up to a car show with it?

Not for me.

Just in case anybody else is slightly special like me... It was located under Settings>Themes>Dark.

They consider it trespassing once you’re asked to leave and don’t do so immediately.

So what do you do when your kids refer to themselves as “The Clone Army”?

I live in Detroit and currently pay $1900 every three months for insurance.** Full coverage on an ‘86 Suburban and an ‘87 Silverado, no-fault on a ‘91 Civic. No accidents in the last five years, no moving violations in the last eight years. I’m nominally married, my credit is “meh”, oh and I have no criminal record.

Ford already did it with the Excursion.

No, no. We are firmly in Idiocracy.

This doesn’t just affect the plants. So-called white collar jobs are getting whacked too and are actually expected to bear the brunt of the cuts.

You can’t find a mall in Michigan that doesn’t have some form of dress code; though it’s interesting that none of the malls I checked in Louisiana or Arizona had attire specific passages. Here’s the relevant portions from Fairlane in Dearborn, MI and Woodland Mall in Grand Rapids, MI for example:

MSY is dated as hell, but there’s still better food options on a layover there than the North Terminal. STL has a really weird layout inside the terminals.

If you’re in McNamara (Delta’s terminal), it’s nice.  If you’re in the North terminal, not so much.

Yes, after 10:1 gear reduction it makes a tick under 4000ft-lb of torque at around 900-1000rpm. I think it’s still around 3000ft-lb at 3750rpm, but it’s been a long time, so I’d have to consult the interwebs to confirm.

There are waaaayyy more fuel efficient ways to make 1500hp, but dat torque tho’... You can’t beat almost 4000lb-ft. of torque.

Maaaaannnn... I’ve already told my staff that anybody who lives west of Southfield had better crash somewhere else tomorrow because I’m not even trying to hear any excuses about “I couldn’t get past the funeral procession” or “I got stuck in traffic”.

I read this and all I heard in my head was the chorus to 2Pac’s “Wonda Why They Call You B*tch”.

From experience, there is absolutely nothing that will improve the ride and comfort for a five-ton or deuce and a half other than riding in something else.