I know it’s obvious but please don’t base you purchase on your monthly payment. I mean this is still a common thing on many social media forums. The average Joe/Jane doesn’t understand finance at all...

You bought it somewhere and then found another dealer to take the delivery?  I’d expect any dealer who isn’t making money off the deal to ignore me completely.

While it’s extremely cool and very well animated (DYRL end to end is still one of the high water marks for traditional animation), it’s worth pointing out that Kitakubo didn’t come up with the whole missile spam thing. This is the “Itano Circus”, something that Ichiro Itano came up with working on Gundam and then

Writer’s gotta fill that weekly slideshow quota so Spanglebengen whatever the fuck his name is gets enough page views out of this joint to get an erection.

A slide show? Seriously?

Strange thing is that the F-350 duallies average around 50k miles in the burbs, while the F-150s average well over 500k miles in the farms before they are replaced.

I’m sure having a vehicle that can comfortably tow a rated load has nothing to do with the longevity of said vehicle. /s

My car was once hit by a deer....parked in my driveway, alongside a 4' high retaining wall that bordered my neighbor’s lawn. Apparently a deer running across the lawn didn’t realize where it ended and flew on to the hood of my X4, leaving a trail of hair and deer shit all over the $3,000 worth of damage it caused.

I had a tree branch fall on my car while driving. They were insisting that it was collision and not comp because they took my description to mean the tree hit the road and then I hit the tree. I argued with the adjuster when he came to look at it and he agreed to write it up as the tree hit the car, which made it comp

Covered in a deer collision? Not if your insurance carrier is Progressive.

Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.

Thank goodness she abandoned the car. And dealing with insurance over repairs from a deer hit would probably be more annoying than the trucker’s insurance paying for the totalled truck.

Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance?  This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check...  Either high, drunk or asleep!

“I’m trolling you!

1. Zip2 ($22m), PayPal ($165m), Tesla ($8.5b), SpaceX ($100+b)

1) Bought with money made by exploiting South Aftricans during apartheid. Also, how much coding you think he did on any of those?

Imagine having the gall to put the phrase “writing skills” in sarcastic quotes right at the beginning of that specific sentence, and then sending it out into the world.

I wanna say this is a satire post.

I am embarrassed for you and your parents.

I met ASIMO at the 2003 Tokyo Auto Show.