
Is anyone else worried that Ollie poisoned Sam’s food? Like seriously, he was giving off some bad vibes during that scene, I’m waiting for it to end horribly

Ugh I too have a huge crush on Tormund RedBeard.

Yess, I’ve always loved Tormund. He’s Scandinavian and has a gingerbeard. What else could you want?

The lady will take beard.

Cat. A girl SHOULD be named Cat of the Canals, goddamit. Lana sucks because Lana doesn’t have a mom who can kick your ass.

Tormund would kill you dinner every night and make you a coat from the pelts. Totally marry Tormund.

bless this news!

Can you imagine the D on a man named Tormund Giantsbane? Not sayin, just sayin...

A girl SHOULD be called Cat!

Same, oddly, with Bronn and Tormund, omg.

i bet he’s got a giant... sbane.

1)I know, right?! Half my day has been thinking about that scene.

(i apologize. its nothing against the name. just against the writer’s thinking the audience can’t handle repeat names. don’t even get me started on the yara/asha debacle of 2013)

oh hellz yes to tormund giantsbane! nothing but ladyboners for that dude. i bet he’s got a giant... sbane.

Hopefully Jorah enters the fighting pit in a fedora, to let the people know he’s a nice guy.

only the lord of the friendzone would sign up to die for no reason for his m’lady, in order to make her feel sad and guilty for all eternity that she wouldn’t just LET HIM SMOTHER HER WITH LOVE

Fuck Tormund, marry Samwell, kill Jorah. I would consider marrying Tormund, fucking Jorah, and killing Samwell, because...IDK. I could see Samwell becoming a bore over time. Tormund would keep things fun. And Jorah has hot old dude bod, and major repressed lust. Would absolutely NOT marry him, though.

I wouldn’t want Ser Grayscale hanging around me, either.

Seriously, right? My entire viewing party laughed out loud when she said that and said, “well, she’s dead.” Though, I have to say, we didn’t learn that from GoT, but from every horror movie ever made.

if there’s one thing i’ve learned in watching game of thrones, if you tell your loved ones “i’ll be right back,” your ass is going to die, RIP, random wildling lady.