
I think people are looking at this as if it were a console, when they should be looking at it as a small, gaming PC. I'm pretty sure it will run on Windows if it's going to be able to play all of the games on Steam. Basically, this is combining all the pros of a console, and the pros of a PC.

Yep, this will be able to replace every single piece of media hardware out there. Games, Netflix, internet browsing, and pretty much everything a PC of those system specs is capable of.

They could make the power switch a Valve which releases a bit of Steam every time it's powered on.

I'm looking at it as more of a PC with standardized hardware. This could be a good thing. It combines the convenience of a console, with all the awesome benefits of a gaming PC.

Yep, you're correct. Gabe Newell was a Microsoft millionaire before starting Valve. He just wanted to pursue a dream and he went for it.

I'm a bit speculative right now, but I believe that this actually might work. If the price is right, it would help those console gamers that are trying to make the shift towards PC gaming, but feel that it's too big of a task to handle. It might also be much more compact than a regular PC, but if they standardize all

Ergonomics from the 90's. They also perfected the d-pad unlike the 360 controller.

Now I want someone to make a film titled "The Konami Code."

If I want SNES games or SNES-style games, I go for emulators and indie games. At least these devs know that they're selling to a small niche by only making 600 copies. Although, I believe they would see much more success if they released it on Steam.

PC!!!! Awesome! I've always wanted to enjoy this game! I can't freakin' wait!

Is there a PC version? You know we PC gamers love our indie games enough to make them more successful than the console versions.

It'll be the best gaming choice you ever make.

They said there's no right or wrong answer. They just want to see peoples' opinions.

Read this a while back and thought it was cool. The one thing that bugged me though, is that they used "macbook pros" as a unit of measure! bah!

I agree with Cyphe. I also thought it was too sensitive at first, but it's better once you adjust to it.

I'm not sure who would buy this. I got Fallout 3 GOTY for 10 bucks on Steam, and I'm sure I could pick up the GOTY for Oblivion for the same price during the next big Steam sale, though I don't plan on it now that I'm playing Skyrim and look forward to some great mods in the future.

Yep, I'd say it's the field of view. I believe the games default to 75, but for most PC gamers, 90 is a much more tolerable field of view, especially for those that get motion sickness. If you haven't tried that out, I'd say go for it right now.

Yep, I would probably prefer analog movement as opposed to wasd, but the advantage of a keyboard is having many more keys to bind for convenience.

What's funny? Playing with a mouse is much more superior to an analog stick. There's no way to argue against it.

Doesn't mean it's not elaborate.