He was making fun of the fact that Jon says legitimately a lot.
He was making fun of the fact that Jon says legitimately a lot.
PC versions always get the patches first because they don't have to go through any sort of approval process. This is why Borderlands 2 got lots of patches on PC before the 360 version got all of those in one patch earlier this month.
From what I've heard, they have.
Yeah, they won't go lower in price at all either.
I often do find that PC gamers are the most well-informed. But apparently, there are still many suckers no matter the market.
Yeah, it increases precision by preventing pixel skipping.
Definitely. It's great marketing for Last Light, Company of Heroes 2, Darksiders 2, and Saints Row 4. I wish all those games great success. I know Darksiders 2 didn't sell so well, but maybe this was good enough marketing for that game.
It looks at least as good as the console versions, and can look much better when turning up the settings. The reason people complained about the PC version is because it wasn't up to par with what PC gamers expect for their games.
You're going to be rendering the same scene 3 times, so lowering the graphics quality is recommended if you want a playable framerate.
I do. It's one of the reasons Serious Sam 3 is my go-to game when I have people over. It has, hands-down, the best split-screen support of any PC game ever.
*Day of the Tentacle
I agree that Borderlands 2 is the best co-op games this year. I don't see how anyone could choose anything else.
I don't necessarily agree with their choices, but I like to see that Hotline Miami got some recognition. It's crazy how many great indie titles just go ignored.
Valve anti-cheat. It detects if you're using hacks for online games and bans you from servers if you are. VAC one time did mistakenly ban a lot of MW2 players, so Valve immediately unbanned them and gave them all free copies of L4D2. That's the only time I can recall it ever screwing up.
Don't forget that the game also came out on Steam, PSN, and iOS. It's gotten lots of exposure and has been Telltale's biggest success.
Well deserved! Definitely my choice from the nominees.
Plenty of us have gamepads. There's also a few games on PC that just don't work well with a keyboard, and practically require a gamepad. I happen to have Sonic Generations and Jet Set Radio on PC, and enjoy them greatly with my 360 pad. I'm sure more and more PC gamers will have at least one in the future now that…
Real time strategy. Far from being a generic shooter.
Yep. It's come as a big surprise to me that Square Enix, a Japanese publisher, is doing an amazing job on the PC market. Sega is also starting to surprise me with Steamworks integrated games, and porting some of their older titles.