It's nice to play in full HD on PC. I played through with a 360 pad, and found that more enjoyable than with a keyboard and mouse. Also, it is on sale for $12.49 on Amazon. It activates on Steam.
It's nice to play in full HD on PC. I played through with a 360 pad, and found that more enjoyable than with a keyboard and mouse. Also, it is on sale for $12.49 on Amazon. It activates on Steam.
Came here to say this.
People live in different time zones.
Yep, I stayed over at my cousin's house for the Thanksgiving weekend, and all they have is CoD on the PS3 and an extremely crappy PC. I still preferred to log into Steam and play some of my low intensity games. I was able to progress through Jet Set Radio from my Steam Cloud save. I also spent a bit of cash on the…
Yep, I got bored with consoles and decided to try out PC back in 2010. Now, I'm never looking back. I'll stick with PC through the next generation for sure!
Welcome and enjoy! You have quite the experience ahead of you! Prepare to empty your wallet once again next month.
Yep! And it has Steam Workshop integrated straight from launch to easily download other people's creations! The PC version is easily the best, imo.
They are more reliable and last longer. There are no batteries to worry about. There is much less latency, which is a big deal in a competitive FPS.
It took me somewhere between 2 to 3 hours. That's because I always explore everything and converse with everyone in game. Some people like to rush through it and can complete it much more quickly.
Speaking of sales, check out Amazon:
I'm sure it'll go lower during a daily deal or flash sale. Just keep checking everyday until the sales are over.
I just completed episode 5 last night. It was one hell of a ride. Never in my gaming history have I felt so emotionally invested in video-game characters. I don't particularly enjoy point-and-click adventures, but I applaud this game as a masterpiece.
The PC market always has the best sales. Amazon has some pretty good deals right now. I picked up Jet Set Radio, and the latest DLC for Serious Sam 3.
That's unfortunate. Glad I own all the GTA games on Steam though. Vice City is still amazing fun to go back and play.
I bought both on the Wii. Great games, if not a little too short.
I killed Duck because it was his own son. But I let Kenny kill this kid because I figured he needed to get over his fears to help boost his morale.
It's about time! I only bought this a couple of weeks ago when it was on sale on Steam, and played through the whole thing in a few sittings. I'm already growing impatient for episode 5.
I love playing this game on my PC. It's the only way I can listen to music anymore.
There are PC games to fill your niche. My FPS of choice, for example is Red Orchestra 2. One of the reasons I prefer indie devs is because they make games they want to make, rather than what the masses want to play.