
Things got really intense in this thread. Some players even considered raising $10,000 for charity, with the hopes that Christine Love would notice this noble effort and would finally give them a definite answer as to whether or not the achievement is possible. "Half Life 3 confirmed," one poster joked in this new

I should be so lucky. Played Left 4 Dead, now I'm a zombie. :(


It's so lifelike.

Sooooo.... What's behind the door?

...and now I want it.

Had that happen during a "special event" after the Beach Bums expansion. I had almost $100,000 one day and the next every penny was gone. The part that pisses me off is that it has happened 3 more times since.

I thought something was fishy. Played a deathmatch and unloaded a clip into another player. They turned noticed me and shot me with a Gatling gun. Then I noticed the players on the other team kept spawning on the rooftops while the team I was on would spawn on the ground. If I kept playing I just kept getting killed,

Didn't even realize this was possible. Even saw someone get an over $2 billion bounty put on them. Sat in my apt watching the map, laughing my ass off. As soon as it popped up, every blip on the map swarmed to them. It was like watching a flock of birds fly around until the person with the bounty just left. At the

I feel like I was watching cable porn when I was a kid

Way to justify a completely immoral behavior.

I don't see the problem. this is exactly how I will react when I pick up my copy. Cry, hug cashier, press game box to face while weeping. They probably just cut the video off before taking the disk out and slipping it the tongue.

Hay look! It's some over analyzing douche whose only joy is criticizing things that make others happy.

"if you are not offended twice a day, you are not living in a free society. Also your mom is kind of a whore"

I believe after "Super Mario Bros: the Movie" Nintendo has proven they can not be trusted to make movies based on their games. Its' good to know they will let others screw it up for them.

Where can I find a copy of "Maim Killing" the closest I can find is "MDK"?

If they had just let people return to the salad bar as many times as they wanted to begin with, odds are this never would have happened.

Wait! Is someone there?

We finally find out the REAL reason they bought Star Wars.