When developers say things like this it always makes me lean away from them.
When developers say things like this it always makes me lean away from them.
Very much. The problem isn't with the amount of interesting villains in Superman comics. The problem is they keep using the same two boring ones in the live action movies. It's just getting so repetitive that Luthor's plans all involve real estate, and if Zod is in one he will die. I haven't even seen the movie and…
How come so many people seem to forget or deny that Superman has killed in the past?
It's to bad that in nearly 80 years of comics that they have only created 2 villains, Zod and Luther. If it had more of a history, they might be able to use more than TWO DAMN VILLAINS IN THIRTY YEARS OF SUPERMAN MOVIES! At this point I would be thrilled to see a Superman movie with the Toyman.
...And none of that was on the page you linked to. The fact that it is a "word" that was deliberately misspelled by advertisers 90 years ago and again in the 70's to sell a toy (both words in the name misspelled) does nothing to justify your English major diploma.
Your link to the word bright does not show the "word" "brite" anywhere on the page. Suck it up. It was a typo.
"Damn! All that work and there's nothing here but thousands of copies of the original cut of 'Star Wars' and Fabergé eggs. What a waste of time."
Oh shit. Burn! You really showed me.
Ya, this post makes you look like an idiot. Just judging based on appearances.
Oh, yes I see the boy murdered and raped his mother, of course it must be her fault. If she didn't take a video game from a psychologically and emotionally damaged young man she would be alive today. Altho she probably would have still been raped for dressing like a slut.
What is wrong with you that a 14 year old owning a gun more shocking than a 14 year old killing and raping his own mother?
Most likely, gold coins.
Not yet.
So far.
I don't think Hush will be in this one. It's listed as a prequel, and Hush was first shown getting his operation in the last game. Unless they changed his origin in the comic, he was a millionaire before that. This might be a cheap way to bring back otherwise "indisposed" characters that wouldn't be able to return for…