Ah yes! It wasn’t him, it was his alter-ego, Countess Boochie Flagrante.
Ah yes! It wasn’t him, it was his alter-ego, Countess Boochie Flagrante.
Yup. Long hours and suuuuuuper high DV, substance abuse and infidelity rates. Just go for a Doctor - same cheating, neglec, substance abuse and assholery, but less DV and better money.
[eyeroll] “Pegging” requires a “peg,” AKA strap-on. It’s a useful word. If you’re too precious to use the word, fine, it’s hardly the worst pretentious quirk out there, but you could at least have made a separate essay on the topic so people would only click if they were in the mood for purple prose.
Or maybe saying “ my GF fucked me in the ass with a dildo” just wasn’t the mouthful they were interested in, and they (like most normal people) prefer having a specific simple word to having to use a whole-ass sentence.
Yeah, on the one hand, any profiting from or pandering to racism is bad, but on the other... how about a service where you can rent a dozen interracial pics (there’ll be blank templates for where you can put your face in) and have a black person hang out when the county tax assessor comes calling?
He has no more cred with the alt-right since he hid like a bitch after a face-punch, so he’s trying to troll the left.
And sometimes he dresses as superman.
Claudia likewise has an actual topic she wants publicized: that her mother (who is a public political figure, btw) is a bad person. No one’s digging into any personal issues that Claudia doesn’t want addressed.
If he truly believed all that stuff he said about his wife he’d divorce and get custody in order to give the kids a corner of sanity away from her.
I feel that this is some sort of elaborate prank that she, her dad, and Kellyanne are all in on.
Um... your outrage seems misplaced? She curated and earned a million followers (very hard work, I’m sure) in order to have a platform to publicly speak on issues, and she very clearly wants this message out. Isn’t this like ignoring Greta Thunderburg’s environmental message because she’s underage?
Christ, this sounds like the South Park where Mr. Garrison’s like “we should burn a lower case ‘t’ on their lawn, and dress up in sheets to pretend we’re ghosts to scare them.”
Gonna disagree. The cut does look very good on her, and the color is... ok, but the pattern clashes very badly with the pattern on her tattoos and makes the whole thing look overly “busy” and jumbled. She needs a plain version of the dress, or at least a pattern that works better with the tats.
Bold of you to assume that they can get off without being outraged at something.
Funny, cause I thought that was really the only legitimate complaint of the bunch. Wet-ass pussy is perfectly fine, but is the pussy is an exotic cat, it should stay in the wild, a zoo, or sanctuary. “There’s some whores in this house,” = good, “there’s some exotic big cats in this house” = bad.
Cardi is a married woman with one child (that she had while married, btw) so I’m not sure what that’s got to do with anything.
Also I don’t like the word “gushy.” It’s like how other people don’t like the word ‘moist.’ I’d rather they just say pussy, please and thank you.
I have listened to about 10 versions of this and it gets funnier every time.
In case you wanted the remix.
Ok, it’s basic etiquette that you don’t use someone else’s event to draw attention to yourself, though. No grabbing the mike to propose at someone else’s wedding, no announcing your engagement at someone else’s shower or gender reveal, and yeah, no announcing pregnancy at someone else’s wedding parties.