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    There’s lots he could have done. 1.) not shut down the pandemic response team. 2.) not slashed the CDC. 3.) not spent the beginning time telling everyone it was a hoax and there wouldn’t be a problem. 4.) initiated testing. 5.) not told people that malaria pills could fix it (people died because they believed him

    That’s some pathetic whataboutism. As for the other countries, the ones with leaders better than Trump generally did better, and the ones with worse leaders did worse. This isn’t about them, that’s for their citizens to deal with.  This is about the USA and what Trump did.

    Well if you live in CA there are some pretty dang nice parks way closer.

    Ok, but all their management have to sing the Rent song.

    Counter-counterpoint: if you decide to go looking to celebrities for comfort in trying times, don’t get upset that you aren’t getting primo Practical Life Advice.  I don’t watch Jackie Chan movies to learn how to fight, yanno?

    In fairness, if you’re dumb enough to believe trump, that’s on you.

    I love the sleepy-voiced guy being like “what does recess mean?”

    I believe that’s Australian.

    Well, yeah, the footage very explicitly failed to mention the actual lyrics in a way that made it clear some fuckery was afoot.  Frankly, if you believed the West’s on that one you were a moron.

    He knew when to walk away.

    Agreed. The whole thing was a dumb waste of time, so I totally understand why she was like “ugh, just piss off.” Also, considering that he destroyed his career as an actor, it wasn’t as if he escaped punishment.

    Then apparently moved Dee up to first class.

    Yup.  The same assholes that threw a hissy fit and sat home or voted third party last election will do it again.  They’ve always been entitled little babies and nothing short of getting exactly what they want will be good enough for them, so I’m not inclined to pander.

    Are you seriously this dense or just trolling?  

    Maybe if you only isolate the “never Trump” group, but if you include all the other republicans and independents who don’t like Trump?  Far more reliable.

    Ok, what the fuck are you arguing then?

    Well, since you’re passionately arguing that he could win a general election, it seems that you care?

    Well he has practically no one outside his base (everyone else either disagrees with his politics, has no faith in his effectiveness, or just plain hates the Bernie Bros so much that they won’t vote for him) so who, pray tell, would win him an election?

    Bernie’s ‘young base’ couldn’t even get him the nomination, so I have zero confidence in their ability to win him an election.