Lysol is the Man, Whitey!

You are obviously not Harley’s target demographic.

I think North Koreans call being super ill “Thursday”.

Renaud is actually pretty famous in the French speaking world for his softball exploits, but not nearly as famous as his brother Abandon.

I am a biker. I hate loud pipes. My bike had an aftermarket Two Brothers slip on when I bought it, and I swapped it out for stock because I was tired of riding around feeling like I had an embarrassing social disease.

It’s never not the Eagles

This car is so sexy I want to text it awkwardly for a few days before driving around with it for like 30 minutes deciding on where to eat and then slowly lose communication with it after dinner until I see it again a few months later when it’s somehow engaged

Awesome! There’s nothing I like more than more pops and bangs.

We got it the first 4 times you posted it.

I am absolutely stupefied! In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned it would look like this. I LOVE IT!

People always seem to forget that he also is just plain slaying celebrities. Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, the list is nearly endless.

Step 2A:

Oh man, that guy is living the dream. At one point he even owned a Gulf Racing livery'd (!) Ford GT. So jealous...

Is there any reason the pics are all Pontiac grand prix's

I am dying laughing in my office all alone right now.