
Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

Medically speaking, the fact that the premature infant (not technically a fetus) was alive for a few minutes after birth is unsurprising and shouldn’t make this more criminal than any other late term abortion. At 5.5 months, the heart is well-developed; the lungs, not so much. This delivery would only have been viable

If the fetus is a full grown man with an MBA he wouldn’t have a right to live inside someone’s body without their consent.


I preferred Ms. Pac-Man because it only cost nineteen cents to play rather than the full quarter necessary to play Pac-Man.

Without coming across as super creepy, but I love you.

I’m trying to not think of how gross I find this family and all their bullshit, so I’ve instead decided to focus on who’s hair is worse - Dim Bulb or Michelle-Shocked

You know another reason not to bother? He could well “pass” because like nearly all abusers, he honestly doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

A 12 or 13 year old kid pushed me into a soda display in a grocery store once (it hurt like a bitch), when he turned to run I close lined him. He fell into a nearby wall of firewood.

WTF story of the year, non-Florida category.

So, story time: I was actually once randomly assaulted on the subway for no goddamn reason. I was on my way home from work, wearing a hoodie and listening to music with my head down. I was interacting with and bothering absolutely no one. This group of middle school kids on their way home from school got on as I was

I gotta say, up until Caitlyn’s transition started being a news story, I thought that the Kardashians were pointless, useless, and a huge waste of airtime. At this point, though, if even one trans kid has gained a lift, if the movement for trans rights has been pushed forward even a little bit, that's awesome. That

True story: some guest’s +1 did this at my cousin’s wedding; it was basically a wedding dress if you married (hah) a little black dress and a wedding dress. Office printer paper white and more lace than the actual bride’s dress—justified, of course, by the fact that the +1 had been married 5 months ago and considered

You’re welcome! I appreciate your response too. I’m sorry to hear people are dismissing your opinion. I wrote a similar comment on a different website and got called out for it, which was disappointing. I’m open to changing my opinion, especially when I formed it in a day! That won’t happen if I get yelled at online.

This photo of him looking stressed out is some sweet justice porn.

And then the Pelicans looked into the nightmares of the designers who passed out from the fumes of both to make their former mascot.

Back in college, when Goldeneye was still the bees knees, my friends were being dicks with the explosives weaponry on one-hit-kill (the only way we could play and not have a match last 3 hours) in multiplayer, and I slammed down the N64 controller on the floor and the rumble-pack broke. I then promptly left in a

I totally understand your point, but I don’t know if I could’ve stomached her anguish - which I guess again gets to your point. I think it was more about the continued torture of Theon, watching his “little sister” raped after betraying his not-so-bad adoptive family for his own glory.

Yes! This is exactly what I thought! I think going to black and just having audio would have been far more powerful.

In the book, it’s Theon/Reek’s POV chapters that tell the Ramsey story (and Sansa is still safely in the Vale with LF), so showing his reaction during that scene wasn’t particularly surprising—I was more annoyed/surprised at how willing the showrunners are to throw the show’s female characters under the bus, have rape