Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.
Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.
It’s about getting your fair cut and not being exploited. Not about being a paid whore.
I stopped reading your post after the first sentence, so I suppose I don't have an attention span longer than a fruit fly.
There should be a manditory class every highschool student should have to take about how to insult other people with a degree of refinement and not having to resort to baseborn rascism, stereotypical physical inadequacies, homophobic, grade-school-parent-slandering, rape-y remarks that we’ve all heard a hundred times.
Female air marshals.
Flying on a plane with your period is just irresponsible. You want to attract flying bears? Because that’s how you attract flying bears.
When I was a F/A I heard some stories of Hasidic men asking the flight attendants if they were “dirty” meaning on their periods on flights to Tel Aviv. Apparently the men cannot accept service items from “dirty” women. Most F/A’s would answer that they were absolutely on their period.
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know my cheddar biscuits will be free. And I won't forget the men who died, so I can bitch about automatic gratuity.
And none of it is for you, potato lady!
my religious freedom is being attacked because there are other religions
This is why the term “microaggression” is a very real thing, even if people roll their eyes at it.... It’s all the cumulative little things, the background radiation, that adds up to the message of You Are Not Wanted or You Are Insufficient.
I totally see your point, and I think having a non-confrontational attitude when discussing issues like this does help, but I don’t really think “not meaning it that way” should be an acceptable excuse. It’s the prejudices we don’t realize we have which are the most dangerous, and as such, I think it’s the nature of…
Considering the number of replies on this post, I doubt anyone will even see this, which is a shame. Because after more than twenty years of dealing with this sort of thing, there’s one thing that has been very consistent, and it’s something that I wish I had realized in my 20s rather than my 40s.
We music ladies gotta stick together. I believe many other women in music aren’t made aware of their subclass status, at least at first.
My 15-year-old niece got a talking-to from her high school guidance counselor for the exact same thing. She’s “too confident in her answers,” and it upsets her male teachers. Because…they’re overly emotional, insecure crybabies, I guess?
New York City is a crowded place but for one woman on the Upper East Side. This is a good, no, great thing, because…
At a SXSW panel yesterday called How Innovation Happens, Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, US Chief Technology…