THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! As someone that works in the dance industry (Dance Costume Designer), I cannot thank you enough for this well written article. I am so tired of people with no understanding of dance vocabulary writing articles and reviews of dance.
Alan Rickman.
The most important question.
Seriously, I am dying to know the origin of said feud. Was this a “your tree is dropping leaves on my property, so I am going to have the half of your tree overhanging my yard hacked off” or was this more like “you fucked my wife” kind of feud. THERE ARE SO MANY POSSIBILITIES THAT MY HEAD IS SPINNING.
Dude. Quit calling women females. The words are not grammatically interchangeable, and it is dehumanizing, and it runs-the-fuck-rampant all over Gawker. Don’t be that male.
I would never expect a woman to wear a dress like this without a sports bra, and the job description of that particular garment involves containing your nipples, not the dress.
As a costume designer that works primarily with stretch, I have to say, that is a complete cop out. If they just fully lined the front with a second layer of the same fabric, it would do the same thing, without adding absorbent padding.
You mean silicone.
My mother had a doctor operate on a lump in her breast...his name was Dr. Cantaloupe. I shit you not.
Seriously. I'm about to up the difficulty because it was so easy.
Nothing better than realizing the one Steelers fan mentioned is someone you know. #yinzerproblems.
These are reasons why I turned down a job making costumes for her.
Have you seen him in Weeds?
Pants are for losers.
In 2003, my best friend and I went to NYC during the period that they were trying to rebuild their tourist industry following 9/11. We had second row tickets to see Alan Rickman in a Neil Simon play. As my BF is an ENORMOUS fan of his, this was a really big deal. We were 24, going on our first “adult” vacation, and we…
You can still get an erratic period during pregnancy. Also...she probably just though it was menopause.
And they can't even spell Pittsburgh right.
As a survivor of domestic abuse, this post made me openly weep. Frequently this is part of why we stay.
Right, but they weren't getting paid.