I have been enjoying this show so much.
I have been enjoying this show so much.
Bigots need to stop blaming their bullshit on Jesus. He said nothing about the gay, and if this was really about the Bible they'd also be screaming for the death penalty for working on Saturdays and banning women from speaking in church and a host of other absolutely abhorrent shit.
Because Snoop's not denying Dan's right to get married, adopt, etc, etc. And it's not the "Christian lifestyle" that's the problem. Plenty of Christians are just fine with the gay. It's the "bigoted and blaming it on Christ" lifestyle.
Are we gonna talk about the bit where Kanye approved of Tyga "getting in early" with Kylie?
I don't understand why "attempted" murder carries a shorter sentence than actual murder. Like, you get less time because you're incompetent? And the person you want to kill is still out there and you will be released from jail within that person's lifetime. ISNT THE GOAL HERE TO PREVENT FUTURE MURDER?!??!
When they said "natural birth," is that code for "crawled out on his own"?
This was a very well thought out and presented story of the atrocities that happened in the Dozier School. I am a former ward of the school (I don't like the word inmate, it sounds so much like prison and I was sentenced there. I was there for running away from an abusive home) I never experienced a real childhood…
There's so much to love about your comment, but this is my favorite part:
Doesn't matter if you are unhappy with the service, writing that someone is retarded and leaving it in their place of business is unnecessary. Next time pick a different word and don't be an asshole.
I get the feeling you don't fine dine regularly on account of you behaving like an animal and having the speech and grammar of a third grader.
You know what doesn't show character? Or class, for that matter? Calling someone "retarded". Throwing hissy fits. Also, your post here. Ain't no one going to listen to anything coming out of your mouth now. Cheers!
i read your first line and didn't read the rest because you're a fucking asshole.
Eli Meowing
Meowshawn Lynch?
Of course not. Why would they? She's not a human to him, but just a beautiful object.
God the fucking male entitlement just starts SO. EARLY.
Pretty sure this woman's feelings or consent didn't even enter into his mind.
Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.