Same! PTSD and I love a good ghost story. The torture-porn stuff can go piss up a rope, but man, a good creepy ghost story is awesome.
Same! PTSD and I love a good ghost story. The torture-porn stuff can go piss up a rope, but man, a good creepy ghost story is awesome.
That’s a really interesting theory, and I feel like you’re onto something.
Wonder of wonders, they even stock plus sizes!
Wonder of wonders, they even stock plus sizes!
This was my experience with an original Leaf, as well. While it kicked huge ass in terms of not spending $350 a month on gas when I was commuting 80 miles a day, that was the extent of the range.
Our local store has Kerrygold, and it makes amazing ghee.
Totally! My completely unscientific theory is that this is because your stomach has been stretched out, and now it feels waaaaay more empty than if it hadn’t been.
I’ve found that the people I find attractive are typically talented or interesting people. I totally agree that when I find out some super hot celebrity is actually kind of a douche, they’re no longer hot.
Ah, and I get to drag this one out again. “And I can’t have kids.”
Ha, I thought this was just at the college where I lived. The Pi Kappa Alpha house was referred to as “The Date Rape House.”
Oh absolutely. The 220 ones are fine at home—we use them overnight mostly, so no big deal if they’re fast—but having them in a parking lot at a store or something is just silly. Who spends 2+ hours shopping for groceries? They might be fine in a movie theater lot, for instance, but for practical use, give me fast…
This a million times. We got a Leaf as our main car, which saved me a ton of money with my 70-mile daily commutes.
Oh my GOD I had such a crush on this guy as a kid.
Grillin’ with Brylan
This is how it’s done, folks. This is a good neighbor.
Someone tweeted him with “well, are you going to send dick pics or not?” and this was his response.
I wouldn’t call it “neon;” it looks like it’s just EL wire. I did something similar with my helmet.
Shame they don’t do any plus-size stuff.
Shame they don’t do any plus-size stuff.
Hands-free isn’t (usually) taking your attention, so no, you’re not a jerk. I mean, I assume you’re not.
I don’t disagree for the most part, but when someone’s doing that thing where they’re holding their phone (obviously on speaker) about a foot away from their head, kinda balancing it there, while they drive with one hand...
There was an article not too long ago where an undercover cop dressed up to look homeless and held one of those cardboard “GOD BLESS ANYTHING HELPS”-type signs at an intersection.