Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.
Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.
Well it smells like a steak and was endorsed by a clown, so...
Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.
Crab people, crab people, look like crabs but talk like people
“Profit”. Tesla’s profits are hilariously fake, they amortize very heavily and aren’t even remotely close to being in positive cash flow territory. They didn’t sell $5B worth of their own stock because they’re actually profitable.
Thank god I’m too old for this shit.
Some people need to spend less time on the internet.
The wheelchair in the bed has me wondering if the Toyota is modified for accessibility. It wouldn’t excuse anything, but it adds potential answers to “what went wrong?”
My ding dong envy is gonna be next level when one pulls up next to my raptor.
I graduated high school with her (McCluer North, Class of ‘83 represent!). Trust me, no one was surprised that she went into comedy. She was such a legendary wise-ass that teachers would tell Kathy Madigan stories to their other classes.
If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.
Got to look unique compared to the army of 50-year old suburban Dads around me in their lifted Wrangler Unlimiteds with big tires.
Which model can get me to and from Whole Foods the best? I want everyone in the parking lot to think I am outgoing and adventurous.
There’s an old saying in Toledo that says, “Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can’t get fooled again!”
He’s big in Japan. Hard to go past a vending machine without his dial on it. I’d go as far as saying he would be them most well known Western Celeb in Japan.
Every local I know was celebrating the prompt removal of the Super Duper Fun Time Shit Bus last week. The powers that be didn’t even waste time on some nonsense public comment period, they just came in and hoisted the fucker out like they should have the first time someone died trying to get to it. The money wasted…
If you honestly think that you can’t live a fantastic, fulfilling life without putting yourself in danger I feel sorry for you.
I just don’t get the idolization of McCandless by some people. This guy went to the woods to die, not to live. What he did is exactly the same as somebody going to the California shore determined to swim to China and dying a few hours later when they get tired and drown. When he refused the advice of the last guy that…
Though his demise was tragic, many have seen McCandless as a contemporary transcendentalist in the vein of Emerson and Thoreau.
I like to think McCandless would have thought twice about his adventure if he knew that Henry David Thoreau lived next to Walden pond - as in the front door of his actual residence was a little over a football field away from the shore. Roughing it in the woods while getting closer to God is a lot easier when your mom…