
Excellent points all around and i am a total believer in EVs generally. Also, everyone seems to forget that Tesla got a 500m (iirc) “loan” from Obama’s stimulus back in the day and w/o that they dont even exist.

My heritage is a bunch of WASPy Michiganders that still say the N word, but I still managed to turn into a decent person. Indoctrination is no excuse for lack of personal growth and failure to understand context. Fuck that flag, and fuck anyone who says it’s their heritage. Get it out of here.

It’s got a VIN, and I’ll be adding the seatbelts.

“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength

You can’t be serious.  You are comparing the Chinese crackdown on protesters to what is happening now?  What an utter and complete lack of understanding.  You REALLY have to check your history before making idiotic comparisons like this.  As long as people THINK these are comparable events, we will NEVER make the

Seems like I’m the only one who remembers what happened to Reginald Denny these days.

I’d guess when you see it’s not moving out of the lane with a fucking overturned truck blocking it?

Tesla’s lack of effective automatic emergency braking is also a failure. The lack of any airbag deployment in the car is also a shocking failure. There are lots of technical and human failures here.

You’re all wet.

That energy has to go somewhere. Better to push the vehicle up and on the side than into the passenger compartment.

My old soccer coach drove a CJ5. He’s in the federal pen for being a kiddie toucher. Coincidence?

“look at that image up there; they’re using a window-washer style external elevator system to take them the 50 feet or so to the ground. That introduces a lot of potential for accidents and makes going in and out of the lander much more time-consuming.”

Playing politics with lives. Terrible look for both sides.

No, the models were grossly wrong by many orders of magnitude. 

No they were just wrong. Or actually right just the media picked the top number of the range and not the bottom or the middle to scare people into clicking. 

I used to be with it, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now, what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me.”

And don’t start responding “we need to save as many peoples lives as possible”, because saving the economy saves lives indirectly.

Wow, look at Orlove, generally a good writer with good takes, suddenly becoming a civil engineer and saying that closing down all streets for several weeks will be undoubtedly good.

Maybe unpopular opinion, but I like the original one more. Its busy yes, but its unique at least. I’d get rid of those fake vents and dull down the edginess of the bottom edges, but overall the design looks cool.