The Starliner is not ‘stuck’ and the astronauts are not ‘stranded’
The Starliner is not ‘stuck’ and the astronauts are not ‘stranded’
The R1T has a little under 10% being resold
My man, I’ve got some bad news for you. Elon’s flying water tower will never make it to Mars.
Kinja auto un-links links. It’s psychotic. More evidence that this group of sites is being intentionally run into the ground.
Sheesh! You have to put it in a special mode for it to cope with a fucking car wash? And if not, warranty is voided! What a fucking shitshow of a design and company.
I guess if it makes you feel better, sure, go ahead and plan your travel that way. But I don’t see how the effort is worth the supposed gain. This is another example of how humans will ignore the most significant and most common risks to their lives and health, refusing to take even the most simple steps to be safer,…
Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “ it in the rain, or get it wet.
Kia/Hyundai were junk then and still are.
The Walmart of cars? No thanks.
I don’t think it’s half-bad looking, I’ve certainly seen worse-looking cars in my time.
Also, while we’re on the subject, can we talk for a second about how completely unnecessary a 900-mile EV is? Why not use a battery a third of the size to give us something much more affordable with a still-useful 300-mile range? Hauling around a battery you barely even use would just be wasteful.
AS an airline pilot I can tell you that descending 28,000 in ten minutes is 2800FPM which is not a plunge at all. It’s actually a litle slower than I would expect for a depressurization which at that rate wasn’t explosive and probably a fault of the air con packs which pressurize the plane meaning it would slowly lose…
But they got money to pay for 10 days worth of drugs? Landrover?
The fact that a 2022 Tacoma is still like a truck from 2009 is a selling point, not a problem.
From your headline, I thought he was driving. That would be something, seeing him fold and unfold himself from a racecar.
I’ll be that guy: stopping on a busy road against traffic control signs and devices to help wildlife is incredibly dangerous. I mean, I absolutely get it, and I would have been sorely tempted to do the same thing. But most of the time it’s not worth the risk to yourself and the other humans on the road. Make that…
$57k? Amazing what people will pay to drive around the mall.
Wow. That’s not how I got crabs.