Horse people are usually terrible people.
Horse people are usually terrible people.
Should have drank more water.
State Comptroller Atkins gives two thumbs up!
The hinged windshield could be great for those rugged excursions to soccer practice. Tilt it forward for an unobstructed view of Madison and Jacob out there on the field as you sit in car and sip your latte, avoiding that other mom who is constantly on your ass because you bought non-organic postgame treats when it…
...and it would really kill how much freight you can carry.
Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.
Seriously, the Barcelona attack has gotten one mention in the Gawker media websites, on Jalopnik One fucking article for a terrorist attack that’s left several people dead and more injured with multiple suspects.
Person without impulse control gets in trouble due to lack of impulse control, blames everyone but herself. News at 11.
This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.
Could be the opening scene of his own personal Falling Down.
And imagine performing all of these great feats of athleticism with debilitating bone spurs.
Well, this article wasn’t about Planet Fitness, because it specifically mentioned being in a gym. PF isn’t a gym.
“Handle the load of the law” sounds like a eyerolling line from a really bad porno flick.
Stay white, and you’ll be alright.
Two obvious takes
Double Dragon was my favorite arcade game.
that’s how I roll.
long live the ridgeline. the truck that fits 90 percent of the populations needs
Hey, how about helping another guy get ungreyed? I was thinking about my dead dad....