
Ummm.. those are communists.


You got the story wrong. The name of the importer/exporter was not VanCleave, it was Vandelay.

The man who would have been President.

with their shiny teeth

Trump-like Temperment

Kristen O’Meara, a teacher

I remember as a kid making toilet bowl cleaner “bombs” in 2 liter bottles and throwing them down a storm sewers. We never got in trouble. If we would have done that in this day and age, we would have been thrown in the slammer. After, of course, the local media descended upon our middle class neighborhood and talked

I don’t think he was a captain.


Pulling emergency brakes is my faaavorite.

This is the Ass-end of the plane. Judging that you can see the front set of landing gear, I’m guessing he exited up near the nose.

I’m Japanese, I already know the Chinese are an incorrigible group of people.

As a Cardinals fan, thanks for legitimizing 2011 as the best year baseball ever had.

Awwww... Now I feel like a jerk.

I think the Chinese paying anyone in Yen would be pretty odd, mainly since it is the curency of JAPAN.

Now playing

“Hmmm... I wonder which one is a lemon, and which one is a cherry-red hum-dinger.”