
take your cursor and click the “X” at the top of the screen, otherwise you’ll lose faith in humanity watching...

Japan’s strenght (and sometimes its weakness) is based mainly on the idea of uniformity: You are not special, you are part of a society. What tatoos represent is a diversion from that idea.

Nothing like flames licking at your heels to motivate passengers to GET THE HELL OUT without grabbing luggage.

Jeep owners are not going to have their vehicles remotely turned into killing machines

I’m ashamed to know exactly what you are talking about.

Is there a Sabermetrics pitching stat for throwing books?

Everyone knows that Bigfoot drives a Cadillac.

All salute our new Queen!

The Summer of George!

Am I the only one who wished they had this car as a kid? The damn thing had coolers for doors!

“Yeah, it a pace car. What’s the fuckin’ problem there pal?”

Worst. Comment. Ever.

The music was the best on that show. I wish you can find a CD that had all those techno-synth-poppy music that they played in the background.